
We have also developed a set of resources to accompany the toolkit and mini-toolkits, including films, downloadable worksheets, online events, and a directory of contacts to support different areas of work to help you gender your own museum or heritage site.


We have developed a series of canvases to accompany the Gendering the Museum Toolkit, which are aimed to help users to select and gender objects, develop relationships and identify how this work might benefit their organisation.

  • How to select objects to gender

    This downloadable worksheet provides a series of helpful hints for how to select objects to gender, mindful of those who may not know where to start.

  • How to gender an object

    This downloadable worksheet offers a simple framework to help you gender any object in your museum or heritage site.

  • How can you leverage external partnerships to support your implementation of the toolkit?

    This downloadable worksheet walks you through the practical ways that can help you identify and develop external partnerships to support the implementation of the toolkit.

  • How can the toolkit benefit different areas of your organisation?

    This downloadable worksheet is designed to help you identify the different areas across your organisation that might benefit from using the toolkit.


gendering the museum video series

We have filmed a series of nine short how-to videos, which support the Gendering the Museum Toolkit.

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Other kinds of support

If there’s something else you’d like to see on this page – a different canvas, a specific webinar, or something else altogether – please let us know.

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