The Toolkit

The Gendering the Museum toolkit and accompanying materials provides easy-to-use practical guides for staff, community groups and volunteers to change the representation of gender in museums, galleries and heritage sites.

Why use the toolkit?

Gendering the Museum can help you to:

Develop your curatorial research

Increase knowledge of your collections by uncovering their hidden gendered aspects and resonances

Add layers without adding objects

Find ways to diversify representation within your organisation by discovering more about your existing objects, rather than having to acquire new ones

Create engaging and diverse interpretation

Develop your representation of women’s and LGBTQ+ history, adding fresh perspectives to your existing interpretation

Reach new audiences

Create exhibitions and events programming which appeal more to these historically underrepresented groups

Encourage re-visits

Give regular visitors something new to discover

Be more inclusive

Make sure all visitors and event attendees have a positive experience, regardless of gender

Develop your social impact

Provide a safe space and sense of historical community for LGBTQ+ people, and combat the narrative that gender diversity is a ‘new invention’

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Download Our Toolkit

Download our free toolkit now to help you tell new stories about gender.

Download our Visitors and Communities Mini Toolkit

This PDF mini toolkit is aimed at visitors, volunteers and community groups, and guides you to reflect on the place of gender in your experience of a museum or heritage site.

Download our Evaluation Mini Toolkit

This PDF evaluation mini toolkit is aimed at museum and heritage professionals, as well as community groups, and provides practical guidance for how to evaluate the impact of your working to change the representation of gender in museums, galleries and heritage sites.

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Has using the toolkit and accompanying materials inspired you or changed the ways in which you think or act? We’d love to hear from you!

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