Case Studies
The following case studies give real-life examples of how you can gender objects in museums and heritage sites. Many of them were developed as part of the AHRC-Funded ‘Gendered Interpretations of the V&A and Vasa Museums’ project.

Antimony Cup
This cup was one of 13 objects investigated in 2019 as part of ‘Gendering Interpretations’: a collaborative project between the...
18th century

This dish was one of 13 objects investigated in 2019 as part of ‘Gendering Interpretations’: a collaborative project between the...
Victoria & Albert Museum

Book, Diuersar
Book, Diuersar. nationum habitus / nunc primum editi à Pe. Bertellio quib. addita sunt ordo Romani Imperii ab Othone II...
Victoria & Albert Museum
16th century

This cap was one of 13 objects investigated in 2019 as part of ‘Gendering Interpretations’: a collaborative project between the...
Victoria & Albert Museum
16th century

This comb was one of 13 objects investigated in 2019 as part of ‘Gendering Interpretations’: a collaborative project between the...
Victoria & Albert Museum
16th century

Cypriot ‘wedding bowl’
This bowl was one of 13 objects investigated in 2019 as part of ‘Gendering Interpretations’: a collaborative project between the...
Victoria & Albert Museum
14th century

Pair of gloves
This pair of gloves was one of 13 objects investigated from 2015-2019 as part of ‘Gender, Power and Materiality in...
Victoria & Albert Museum
16th century

Maiolica Plate
This plate was one of 13 objects investigated in 2019 as part of ‘Gendering Interpretations’: a collaborative project between the...
Victoria & Albert Museum
16th century

Panel, The Oxburgh Hangings
This embroidered panel was one of 13 objects investigated in 2019 as part of ‘Gendering Interpretations’: a collaborative project between...
Victoria & Albert Museum
16th century

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